P. 41
300 Legislation trend analysis
57 %
38 %
CO 2 emission [g/km] 150 160 181 30 % 188 167
55 %
100 107 105
FIGURE 1 Global CO 2 regulations 0
(© Automotive Engineering Magazine, 2006 2015 2020 2025 2006 2015 2020 2025 2006 2015 2020 2006 2015 2020
SAE, September 2016) Europe USA Japan China
the velocity squared impact on drag, physical testing will allow for further cold weather. This helps achieve faster
the benefits of these systems increase reductions. However, significant future engine warm-up to meet and maintain
as speed increases. improvements require active aerody- optimal operating temperature, which
FIGURE 2 shows the three main compo- namic solutions. further reduces emissions and fuel
nents of vehicle aerodynamic drag: ram consumption.
air pressure on the front of the car, skin GROWTH OF ACTIVE AERODYNAMIC There are other active systems on the
friction and the wake behind the vehicle. TECHNOLOGY market today, typically aimed at reduc-
Although skin friction is a small percent- ing lift or for niche vehicles. Magna’s
age (about 10 %) of the full aero drag, AGS were the first widely used applica- goal is to provide cost effective drag
underbody turbulence and airflow sepa- tion of active aero technology and can reduction solutions to the entire market.
ration can drastically affect the wake now be found on many cars and trucks
component of drag. in production worldwide. An AGS can be DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS
visible, integrated with vehicle grilles or AND METHODOLOGY
VEHICLE STYLING IMPACTS behind grilles, like traditional non-visi-
ble AGS. There are many variables, such Magna has extensively researched and
Vehicle aerodynamics, through styling, as vehicle type, vehicle styling and investigated many kinds of active aero
have improved greatly over the years. engine efficiencies that influence the systems including, but not limited to,
Coupled with continuous powertrain benefits of active aero grilles, hence the front deflectors, wheel spats, underbody
improvements, fuel consumption and benefit of drag reduction varies. panel(s), diffusers and rocker panels.
emissions have continually decreased. Airflow through the vehicle front-end The experience in developing and man-
But regulations on lighting, visibility, (grille, fascia opening) and into the ufacturing drag reduction components
pedestrian protection and low-speed engine compartment is very restrictive. has shown great promise for active aero
impact, as well as visual appeal, have A closed AGS modifies the ram air by underbody systems. The company iden-
limited optimal drag profiles. diverting air around the vehicle, which tifies potential benefits for these sys-
The industry to date has come a long is a less restrictive path, thus reducing tems by:
way to reduce drag, and improved vir- drag. It also has the added benefit of – understanding vehicle drag
tual analysis and correlation through sealing off the engine compartment in characteristics
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