P. 42


          FIGURE 2 Mapping of the coefficient of pressure on a vehicle showing ram air pressure, skin friction and wake (© Creo Dynamics)

            – identifying areas for improvement  underbody airflow to achieve drag   ing parameters were changed to achieve
            – designing, meshing and running   reduction is substantial.      an optimal drag reduction, resulting in
             Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)   The active front deflector, most effec-  an 11-count benefit. Testing included up/
           analysis to determine potential benefits  tive on higher ride vehicles due to mini-  down and fore/aft variations, with spe-
            – using physical wind tunnel testing    mal underbody shielding, modifies air-  cific trends discovered through testing
           for drag reduction validation and   flow by bypassing the complex under-  that allows Magna to provide a strong,
             influencing factors             body and tyre ram air pressure. The   up-front proposal. Additionally, early
            – correlating CFD to physical testing  location, shape, deployment distance   involvement in vehicle styling and sys-
            – creating the system framework   and deployment type of the front deflec-  tem design will maximise benefits.
           through design and engineering   tor varies by each vehicle due to ride   As expected with an active aerodynamic
            – identifying opportunities for   height, packaging, styling and under-  system, actuation is paramount to ensure
             inte gration and optimisation.  body complexities. This drives unique   an effective system. In coordination with
                                            system travel types, including rotational,   Magna’s closures and mirrors groups,
                                            linear and compound. In addition to   Magna Exteriors has developed a LIN-
          AERODYNAMICS                        providing drag reduction benefits of   based, sealed, high-speed, high-torque
                                            12 to 18 counts, the active front deflector   actuator with an internal clutch to meet
          As the first broadly used solution for   works in conjunction with the active   the demands of our new aero systems.
          drag reduction, AGS have seen consider-  grille shutter and thermal management
          able growth globally and are considered   system to optimise drag and cooling,   CONSIDERATIONS FOR
          fairly common in today’s market. Magna   respectively.              APPLICATION
          has multiple patents for active aerody-  The Active Underbody Panel (AUP) is
          namics and has one of its patents in pro-  designed to work similarly to the active   As the demand for improved aerodynam-
          duction, FIGURE 3.                front deflector but is effective on low-rid-  ics increases, it is necessary for automak-
           In the near future, Magna will sup-  ing vehicles. The system deploys an   ers to consider the application of active
          ply the automotive industry multiple   underbody panel to reduce drag and   systems at the start. By analysing the
          aero technologies, with a strong focus   wake. Investigations show drag reduc-  vehicle with active aero early on (during
          on modifying underbody airflow     tion values of 10 to 15 counts. FIGURE 5   clay design stage), studios can under-
          through innovative active front deflec-  shows results from a production vehicle   stand the impact of aero on styling.
          tors and active underbody panels,   in a full-scale moving ground plane   Additionally, multiple aero systems can
            FIGURE 4. Through CFD and wind tun-  wind tunnel. Using a detailed test plan,   be analysed together to ensure they work
          nel analysis, the company has deter-  the existing underbody panels were   in harmony and will provide the greatest
          mined that the value of modifying   modified for the wind tunnel. The test-  benefit.

                                                                                   FIGURE 3 Active grille shutter multi-part
                                                                                   modular frame patent (© Magna)
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