P. 45

AUTHORS               150
                                               Vehicle speed [km/h]  90


                  Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Peter Drage    50
               is Branch Manager at qpunkt in
                          Graz (Austria).        10
                                                   0     200   400   600    800   1000  1200   1400  1600  1800
                                                                              Time [s]

                    Frank Seebald, M. Eng.
              is Development Engineer Thermal    15
              Management E-Vehicles at qpunkt
                                                T_Cabin [°C]  5
                     in Stuttgart (Germany).     10

                                                  0                                          T_Cab_Old_Gas
                Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Paul     0     200   400    600   800   1000   1200  1400  1600   1800
                is Manager Air Conditioning at                                Time [s]
               qpunkt in Ingolstadt (Germany).  FIGURE 1 Comparison of the heat-up curve for different generations of vehicles with gasoline and diesel
                                              engines; the thermal properties of the cabin are assumed to be similar (© qpunkt)

                                              amount of refrigerant needed in the sys-  conventional engines (“old” gasoline, “old”
                                              tem, he is able to evaluate problems in   diesel) is higher than for new generations,
                Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hinteregger   the refrigerant cycle like inefficient oil   hence those vehicles reach the target tem-
             is Project Leader R&D Technologies   circulation, extensive compressor power,   perature faster,  FIGURE 1. At steady state
                  at qpunkt in Graz (Austria).
                                              etc. already in an early stage of   condition at -10 °C ambient temperature,
                                              development.                      the passenger compartment requires
                                                In hybrid and electric vehicles the con-  approximately 3 to 4 kW (including con-
                                              ditioning of the battery is often directly   vection, radiation and outgoing air) to
                                              or indirectly done via the refrigerant   keep +20 °C in the cabin. In a transient
                                                circuit. Accordingly, the complexity   heat-up mode over the entire WLTC
            driving scenario. The air-side of the con-  increases due to additional components     considerably more heating power needs
            denser implemented in the refrigerant   like indirect condensers (iCond), indi-  to be supplied [2].
            cycle is connected with one outlet of the   rect evaporators (Chiller) or additional   FIGURE 2 shows the same comparison
            A/C system-test bed where a dynamic air   valves (thermal expansion valve, TXV;   for an electric vehicle, comparing a PTC
            mass flow including temperature and   electric expansion valve, EXV; fixed ori-  heater with a heat pump. The energetic
            humidity control can be defined. The   fice) which are integrated in the cycle.  advantage of the heat pump is obvious,
            mass flow corresponding to a certain   The development of vehicles in terms   but depends on the coefficient of perfor-
            driving velocity and fan stage is derived   of efficiency and passenger comfort has   mance (COP) of the system which is
            from a full 3-D Computational Fluid   increased the thermal management’s com-  strongly influenced by ambient condi-
            Dynamics (CFD) simulation. The HVAC   plexity (engine cooling, heating and cool-  tions such as temperature and humidity.
            unit with the evaporator and the heater   ing of passenger compartment). Based   The cooling power necessary in the sum-
            is as well connected with the test bed,   on the Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty   mer is in a similar order of magnitude
            again the dynamic fresh air mass flow   Vehicles Test Cycle (WLTC Class 3) at an   than the demand for cabin heating. For
            depends on the driving velocity and the   ambient temperature of -10 °C, a compari-  hybrid and full electric vehicles, the
            blower speed which is also simulated in   son of different heating powers and their   refrigerant cycle is not only utilised for
            CFD. In this way, all relevant climatic   influence on passenger compartment tem-  passenger compartment cooling, but also
            scenarios can be fully tested on a rig.   perature for a target  temperature of +20 °C   for cooling of the traction battery and
            The engineer then can determine the   was done. The available heat rejection of   other high voltage components. FIGURE 3
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