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          Active Aerodynamic Parts                                                                     © Magna

          for Exhaust-gas Reduction


          Magna Exteriors has accelerated development work in active
          aerodynamic systems. This includes exterior vehicle systems
                                                                                                  Anthony Povinelli
          such as Active Grille Shutters (AGS), active front deflectors,                   is Global Product Line Director
                                                                                            for Active Aerodynamics at
          active underbodies and others.                                                 Magna Exteriors in Troy (USA).

          GLOBAL STANDARDS                  AERODYNAMIC DRAG IMPACTS          NEDC at 33 %. Components of vehicle
                                                                              drag include ram air, skin friction and
          In the USA, as CAFE standards increase,   The Environmental Protection Agency   wake, and are roughly 55 %, 10 % and
          manufacturers are not advancing fast   (EPA) and the New European Driving   35 % respectively.
          enough to meet the 2025 requirement of   Cycle (NEDC) both have substantial   Since about 50 % of the energy used
          4.32 l/100 km (54.5 mpg). Additionally,   requirements for speeds over 40 mph   at 40 mph (64 km/h) is to overcome
          as illustrated in FIGURE 1, global CO 2  reg-  (64 km/h); 34 % and 19 % respectively.     aerodynamic drag, solutions that reduce
          ulations have automakers looking for   The proposed Worldwide Harmonised   drag have the largest opportunity to
          powertrain, lightweight and active aero-  Light Duty Driving Test Procedure   make  significant impacts toward meet-
          dynamic solutions.                (WLTP) standard is even higher than   ing requirements. Additionally, due to
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