P. 44


                                                 Innovative HVAC Concepts

                                                 for Future Vehicles

                                                                                                    © qpunkt

          Emissions, energy consumption and CO 2  reduction are major drivers
          in vehicle development. Especially due to the introduction of electrified
          vehicles the significance of thermal management, which directly influences
          the vehicles maximum driving range, strongly grows. In this article qpunkt
          shows how the possibly resulting trade-offs could be solved.

          NEW TRENDS ARE INFLUENCING        with Heating, Ventilation and Air Condi-  daily business. Nowadays the trend is to
          THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES         tioning (HVAC) for the passenger com-  reduce full vehicle prototype testing on
                                            partment, taking into account all opera-  road or in wind tunnels as much as pos-
          The automotive industry is facing big   tional and driving conditions. Heating   sible and to substitute it by test bed
          changes. The emissions scandal pushed   and cooling of the passenger compart-  measurements. One example is the
          legislations to get harder, autonomous   ment in order to optimise the passenger   development of an air conditioning sys-
          driving and the clearly noticeable boom   comfort is likely to become even more   tem at the A/C system test bed. The
          of electrification strongly influence the   important in future. The upcoming   refrigerant cycle is build up on a rig with
          development processes. The thermal   trade-offs between comfort and con-  all the components positioned similar to
          management, the efficient control of all   sumption need to be solved under con-  the vehicle. In case of a hybrid or electric
          energy flows within the vehicle and the   sideration of smart thermal management   vehicle with the battery cooling inte-
          conditioning of the passenger compart-  control strategies.         grated into the refrigerant cycle, either
          ment, has a significant impact to maxi-  To be able to cope with the ever grow-  the battery itself or a representative ther-
          mum driving range, fuel consumption   ing demands onto thermal management,   mal capacity is implemented in the cycle.
          and CO 2  emissions. The strategies for   rethinking the development processes is   A dynamic electric storage system which
          heating and cooling of high voltage bat-  necessary. Frontloading, taking simula-  simulates the electric motor charges and
          teries (HV batteries) of electric vehicles   tion and testing as supplementary meth-  discharges the battery, thus producing
          need to be implemented in combination   odologies, already found its way into our   the waste heat corresponding to a given
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