P. 83
The next issue will be published on 29 September 2017
Electric Mobility – Charging Testing with Virtual Prototype Vehicles
on the Test Bench
Systems and Assisted Driving Energy-Consumption-Optimised
Gasoline Engine Operation for
Compliance with the RDE Limits
Electric Door Latch with
Mechanical Crash Redundancy
Two-speed Transmission with
Torque Vectoring Functionality
Future Mobility with no
© mauro grigollo | Getty Images | iStock RESEARCH
Accidents or Emissions
Truck Applications
The development of electric vehicles now be clearly heard while the vehi- ORC Turbine-generator Unit for
Battery Cell Balancing with
is helping to reduce resource use and cles are in motion and while they are Integrated Cell Monitoring
protect the environment, which brings stationary. This is because electric
advantages for individuals and for powertrains are quieter than petrol
society as a whole. However, there are and diesel engines and produce less
still some outstanding challenges to vibration. Magna Powertrain is using
overcome. Customers want to be able an NVH process to improve the tonal
to charge battery electric vehicles components of the noises created by
more quickly. The Slam project taking contacts between gear teeth and
place at the ika of RWTH Aachen magnetic fields of an electric drive.
University is investigating a real-time, In the ATZ interview, Peter Gutzmer
web-based concept for identifying the from Schaeffler talks about climate
best locations for fast charging sta- objectives and electric transport,
tions throughout Germany. In electric electricity generated from renewable
cars, noises that were previously energy sources and well-to-wheel
masked by combustion engines can analyses.
ATZ worldwide 09|2017 81