Page 9 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 9


            Full Speed Ahead!                                                      DEVELOPMENT.


            Dear Reader,                      in the automotive industry of tomorrow   The world of mobility is changing. The
                                              (Prof. Hubert Jäger, TU Dresden). Other   challenge facing automotive developers is
            The mood at this year’s Frankfurt Motor   topics include the user experience in   to acquire the knowledge they will need
            Show was one of both uncertainty and   future mobility (Karsten Michels, Con-  tomorrow without losing sight of future
            optimism. Uncertainty because manu-  tinental) and designing the commercial   technologies. The complexity of the mobility
            facturers, suppliers, and service provid-  vehicles of the future (Daimler Trucks).
                                                                                   transformation process calls  for ground-
            ers are still waiting for clearly defined,   The con ference revolves around the
                                                                                   breaking solutions. ATZelectronics provides
            sensible, and future-proof government   question of how future mobility solu-
            policies, although the first important   tions and the shared society can be   the latest information from across the entire
            signs of these are emerging at least at      created while taking into consideration   spectrum of automotive electronics. Take
            an EU level. Optimism because for the   technical feasibility, the benefits for soci-  advantage of the interactive e-magazine
            first time ideas about future mobility    ety, and customer acceptance.  and benefit from the extensive information
            and examples of new business models                                    in our unique online archive, which gives
            that can be taken seriously were being   I look forward to welcoming you to the
                                                                                   you the option of downloading PDF files.
            presented in an easily understandable   conference and I hope you enjoy this
            way and in relatively large numbers.  issue of ATZ.
            The future will be all about providing                                            electronics
            clean, efficient, and affordable mobility                                              WORLDWIDE
            solutions and transport services. The
            challenges presented by the mobility
            of tomorrow call for the development
            of new vehicle concepts and the creation
                                              Dr. Alexander Heintzel
            of shared mobility systems, if no other   Editor in Chief
            efficient solutions are available. This
              represents a major opportunity for the
            automotive industry to reinvent and
            reposition itself. Our slogan must now
            be: full speed ahead!

            The design criteria for future mobility
            solutions include not only safety and
              efficiency, but also sustainability                                                      DAYS
            throughout the entire life cycle. The                                                  FREE TRIAL!
            new international conference “Vehicles
            of Tomorrow,” which is being organized
                                                                                         kISSN (Online) 2524-8804
            jointly by fka GmbH and ATZlive on                                                electronics
                                                                                                   WO R L DWI D E
                                                                                         06 June 2019 | Volume 14
            November 19 and 20, 2019 in Frankfurt/
            Main (Germany), will be focusing on
            this highly topical subject and offering
            in-depth insights into new vehicle con-
            cepts, materials, and business models.                                       SENSORS AND DIAGNOSTICS
                                                                                         Driver Assistance Systems
                                                                                         Require Valid Data
            The conference keynote speeches cover                                        SENSOR DEVELOPMENT  DIGITAL TWINS AND BIG DATA  RAPID PROTOTYPING
                                                                                                   Drives the Development
                                                                                         Validated Using Flexible
                                                                                              Used for the Dynamic Realization
                                                                                         Recorder Systems
                                                                                              of Driving Functions
                                                                                                   of xEV Vehicles
                                                                                         /// INTERVIEW Alejandro Vukotich [BMW]      /// GUEST COMMENTARY Georg Scheidhammer [Dräxlmaier]
            themes such as the disruption in the
            mobility sector (Florian Herrmann,
            Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engi-
            neering (IAO)), new automotive interior
            experiences (Han Hendriks, Yanfeng
            Technology), and lightweight materials
            ATZ worldwide 11|2019                                                                             3
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