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– load decrease as a consequence of recuperation  tages. In the WLTP, a low level of the LPS can be realised, which
               – load decrease as a consequence of externally charged energy  is, however, consumption-neutral.
               – load decrease as a consequence of load increase.  When comparing the hybrid potentials for different vehicle seg-
            The optimal load increase is necessary when the battery State of   ments, FIGURE 5, with ICE powers of 50, 100 and 150 kW in WLTP,
            Charge (SOC) is below the desired state at the end of the cycle.   it is obvious that the hybridisation potential increases with higher
            In the case of hybrid drives, a neutral energy balance of the bat-  vehicle classes. As a result of the increasing vehicle mass and
            tery is important for the evaluation of the fuel consumption. This   simultaneously comparable or better aerodynamics, higher recu-
            is necessary, because in the case of HEV or FCEV, the energy in   peration potential is provided. At the same time, the LPS also
            the battery was ultimately generated from fuel. Thus, an unbal-  contributes to better fuel efficiency since the operation points of
            anced charge of the battery would lead to misleading fuel con-  the 150 kW ICE are located at lower efficiencies than in the B-
            sumption accordingly. However, in case of a PHEV and PFCEV the   and C-segment vehicles with lower ICE power. Therefore, hybrid-
            battery is desired to be discharged in charge depleting operation.   isation is a very effective concept for reducing fuel consumption,
            For an optimal load increase Eq. 6 is applied for each time step   especially for heavy and powerful vehicles. With regard to the
            of the cycle:                                      cost-sensitive B-segment vehicle, it is clear that a reduction in
                                                               fuel consumption using hybridisation is a challenging task.
             Eq. 6  max(|∆P Bat  / ∆P Tank |), ∆P Bat  < 0
                                                               7 POTENTIALS OF PREDICTIVE CONTROL STRATEGIES
            This means that the highest possible charging power of the bat-
            tery ∆P Bat  is achieved for a specific fuel tank power ∆P Tank . The   In [2] the Equivalent Consumption Minimisation Strategy (ECMS)
            load increase can be applied to both operation points where the   as a local optimal control strategy was compared to the GOCS.
            ICE or the FC is already running, as well as operation points where   The GOCS achieves better fuel consumption under all circum-
            the ICE or the FC have been deactivated by the previous phases.  stances than the ECMS. However, it has been shown that the
              FIGURE 3 shows the effectiveness of load decrease as a conse-  ECMS can achieve very similar energy consumption in the case of
            quence of load increase for a HEV with a P2 topology. Due to the   the charge sustaining operation. Although the differences regard-
            multiple energy conversions and the efficiency behaviour of the   ing the chosen operation points of the aggregates or SOC curves
            downsizing ICE with a maximum output of 100 kW, advantages   are noticeable, there are only slight differences in fuel consump-
            can only be achieved in small areas. FIGURE 4 shows the same   tion. This is because recuperation is by far the most important
            investigation for a FCEV. Since additional losses result only from   hybrid mode for consumption reduction of a HEV or FCEV. Since
            the charging and discharging of the battery, the load decrease due   the recuperation efficiency between ECMS and GOCS does not
            to load increase is beneficial over a very wide power range.  differ, similar fuel consumption is achieved. Thus, predictive func-
                                                               tions provide only a small consumption advantage for HEV or FCEV
                                                               in case of an optimal designed basis control strategy. However,
                                                               this applies only in the case that the prediction has no influence
            In the following, the above-described operation strategy is used   on the recuperated energy.
            to identify the potentials of hybrid modes for selected examples,   On the basis of a WLTP parameterisation of the ECMS, further
            FIGURE 5. The C-segment vehicle shows that the potentials of   investigations were done in a customer cycle. Due to the fact that
            hybrid modes are different in the NEDC (black dotted line), WLTP   the parameterisation of the ECMS is not optimal for the customer
            (black solid line) and US06 (black dashed line). The load decrease   cycle, there are greater advantages for the GOCS. However, greater
            as a result of load increase (LPS), combined with a 100-kW down-  advantages of the GOCS can be identified in plug-in vehicles
            sizing ICE, is only beneficial in the NEDC. In the more dynamic   (PHEV and PFCEV), when these are operated with both externally
            US06, the LPS is even associated with consumption disadvan-  charged electrical energy and fuel. While the ECMS initially selects

                                                           Battery operation  Load decrease
                                                    Normalised fuel saving  ∆P Tank  / ∆P FC  [-]  4  Fuel saving through load decrease


                                                         1 2                       Fuel saving in battery operation
                                                           Fuel consumption through load increase (η   = constant)
                                                         0                              LPA,FC
            FIGURE 4 Effectiveness of load decrease as a   0       20         40        60        80       100
              consequence of load increase for a FCEV with                    FC power P  [kW]
            a 100-kW FC (© TU Braunschweig)
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