P. 77
© Uli Regenscheit | ATZlive © Uli Regenscheit | ATZlive
“Now we must implement the frequently discussed separation of hardware Prof. Dr. Ralf Herrtwich, Leader Automotive at Here, does not rule out further
and software”, says Dr. Thomas M. Müller, Leader Electronics at Audi shareholdings at the provider of digital maps and data services
artificial intelligence. “We need to series development; developments need users must be intensified. This need was
achieve our targets in the real world”, to be checked in view of customer confirmed by BMW who point to so-
Müller appealed. “We aren’t there yet”. acceptance and communication with called product genius, driver assistance
Continental presented realistic paths other market par ticipants, insurance experts, that explain complex assistance
towards automated driving. Dr. Andree companies and legal experts. For systems to the end-users at BMW dealer-
Hohm, Head of Automated Driving at example, the participants of the ATZ ships. Enthusiastic first customers must
Continental, outlined important differen- Driver Assistance Systems Conference not be disappointed, because functions
tiations, for example between the enab- had to involve themselves with the are only enabled in exceptional circum-
ling of automated driving functions in interpretation of level 3 and level 4 sta- stances. There are enough exceptional
private vehicles and in public transport. ges of automated driving. Again. Often, circumstances because it is not possible
He went into more detail regarding “the the overly academic discussions fail, as to rely one hundred per cent on the sen-
evolution of disruption” in four stages: the participants of the podium discus- sors, particularly on connectivity solu-
automated driving on private ground sion, BMW, Bosch, Continental, Deut- tions, even in stage 4 where the driver
(such as Gated Communities), then sche Rückver sicherung (insurance), relinquishes control of the driving pro-
extending permission to drive in semi- Roland Berger and the Ministry of cess and is not required to monitor
public areas (such as bus lanes). The Transport observed. From level 3, the events. Sceptics cannot be permitted
third stage would be permitting city dri- driver is permitted to be distracted for a to have a naïve approach to automated
ving speeds (in mixed traffic with other short moment; but what exactly is the driving functions, as is the case today.
traffic participants) up to stage 4, driver- driver allowed to do? And who is going In this context, the difference between
less vehicles. to explain it to the driver? These questi- levels 4a and 4b are insufficient. The
ons remain partially unanswered. Com- coarse differentiation also unsettles
munication with the customers and end- insurers.
The hype surrounding autonomous driv-
ing has, as does every hype, something
good about it. Society-relevant special
topics that are initially only discussed
in expert and scientific circles find lar-
ger public receptivity. This requires dia-
logue and discussions to be carried out
on a high level and also for awareness-
building activities together with the
accompaniment of trend-setting decisi-
ons. Take the podium discussion at the
end of the first conference day as an © Uli Regenscheit | ATZlive
example: All the detailed effort expen-
ded over the past few years in research
and predevelopment, carried out with
German thoroughness, now needs to be Stephan Stass, Senior Vice President Chassis Systems Control at Bosch, does
successively migrated into numerous show the potentials of cloud connectivity in the early development phases
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